Railway Smart Passenger Information System (PIS)

About the project The project aims to integrate the real-time passenger loading information into TrainFX Smart-PIS(Passenger Information System), and improve the PIS through big-data analytics, reporting and forecasting of dynamic, real-time and connected passenger information. The AI-empowered Smart-PIS will provide dynamic data acquisition and real-time, personalized information supporting travelers, railway operators and service providers. The…

Data Anaytics in Kochi Metro – R&D RSET

We have successfully tested the platform which is developed as a part of the research within Kochi Metro Rail. The research work has implemented the platform within a distributed cluster and also applied Artificial intelligence to derive information from ticketing data in Rajagiri Research Center. This was after successfully designing and developing the solid analytics…

Intelligent Data Analytics Platform for a Metro Rail Transport System

Department Of Science & Technology sponsored KMRL Project titled “Intelligent Data Analytics Platform for a Metro Rail Transport System” under the principal guideship of Fr Dr Jaison Paul Mulerikkal CMI (Principal, Jyothi Engineering College, Thrissur) was officially launched by Sri Suresh Gopi MP(RS) at the KMRL, HQ, Ernakulam on 21st February 2019. Mr A.P.M Mohammed…

India’s COVID-19

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), a highly infectious disease, was first detected in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. The disease has spread to 212 countries and territories around the world and infected (confirmed) more than three million people. In India, the disease was first detected on 30 January 2020 in Kerala in a student who returned…

Qt Designer

Creating Qt GUI using Qt Designer Qt Designer allows you to design your GUIs visually and save them in a *.ui file (which is just an XML file listing every component in your GUI and defining each component’s properties). Then, the *.ui file can be converted automatically into a Python class ready to be imported…

Django Application Development

 Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It’s free and open source. The Django project’s stability, performance and…

Scraping Facebook Content-python

Scraping data means to extract contents from the Facebook page,post or commands. There is a provision for access data for a developer using an access code or access token. first of all we need to create an facebook app(just login and click add new app ,not that much complex) from  developers.facebook.com    . From there you…

Keras LSTM for Text Generation

 the implementation of Keras LSTM for text generation. LSTM (Long Short Term Memory networks ) which is used for the memorization of previous input .For example , if we want to predict next word in a sentence , we need the previous  word. If we train the system with a word ‘big data analysis’ .Then…